tarotbyrain - Angel Card Reading and Tarot Reading

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tarotbyrain - Angel Card Reading and Tarot Reading in Baja

Talk to tarotbyrain - Angel Card Reading and Tarot Reading in Baja now. 30- years of experience in Tarot Reading. I provide divination and counseling for clients seeking personal guidance from an alternative spiritual perspective. I have spent my adult life studying, practicing and teaching the occult arts, paganism, psychology, and philosophy. My personal beliefs are in earth-based spirituality and mysticism. My experience encompasses . . . . . • 35 years reading tarot privately and publicly • 25 years practicing Wicca and Paganism • 20 years teaching English at Toronto District School Board • B.A. in Religion & Psychoanalytic Thought I consider divination to be a kind of psychic weather report of your life’s path. A reading shows you what influences are around you and how to best take advantage of sunny or stormy circumstances. Tarot provides a new perspective to any problem or insight into a consequence of actions. Tarot allows my clients and me to make choices based on our intuitive insight gained by comparing the cards to our life events. The way I read Tarot is more for the present than the past, and not too far into the future. The point of a reading is to test the waters, smell the air - feel how things are now and the way they are leaning. All the time we are perpetually in a state of becoming, and this can change at any moment. For me, divination is a mirror to hold up for others. I help them understand the images that come from the cards and what they mean in relation to the person’s life. I always check with the individual’s sense of fit and enquire into deeper understanding as we go, whilst respecting their boundaries. Good news or bad, I will tell you – but it’s pretty obvious by the look of the cards. If it’s good – we celebrate! If not, we find the silver lining or the way out. Either way, I will prescribe a healing crystal for meditation. Divination is the Way of the Wyyrd - the way Things are Flowing! You can move with the Flow or against it, but knowing where you stand is a good start. Tarot is one of the Great Keys.

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